Roche Pharmaceuticals

Roche’s innovative pharmaceutical and diagnostic products and services fulfill unmet medical needs across a range of diseases.

We use our expertise to make a difference to the lives of patients and the healthcare professionals who care for them and to support the researchers and scientists who share our passion for fighting disease.

Our medical teams focus on tackling cancer, viral diseases, inflammation, metabolic disorders and conditions affecting the central nervous system. Our diagnostic teams are committed to the early detection, targeted screening, evaluation and monitoring of a wide range of diseases.

Roche’s rich history of ground-breaking research and development equips us with an in depth understanding of diseases including their causes, their impact on people’s lives and how they can be diagnosed and treated.

At Roche we are focusing on areas of significant unmet medical need and areas where we have the expertise to make a difference.

Roche's main therapeutic areas: (DBAs)

Each Disease Biology Area covers all activities from research and development to strategic marketing. By enhancing the flow of information and streamlining decision-making, this form of organisation supports the efficient translation of research activities into clinically differentiated medicines.

Over the past years innovative approaches pioneered at Roche have lead to breakthrough drug therapies for common and serious diseases.

Pharmaceutical Products

Roche has brought many highly effective drugs onto the market and is a world leader in innovative cancer drugs. Other areas include viral infections, metabolic, central nervous system disorders and inflammatory diseases.

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MOHAP license number: S2HYWH3F-070823

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